The Scoreboard Man is devoted to giving back to under privileged communities in Canada. This is one example of how a small community in the heart of St John’s, NLD, benefitted from a donated electronic scoreboard for the community-use gymnasium.    The centre is a not-for-profit organization providing support to over 150 local families, offering outreach services, teens and seniors programs and a supportive, safe environment for community members to stay active and healthy.

Justin Taylor, the Program Coordinator at the centre was over-joyed with the new addition to the gym, stating “We have the scoreboard up and running and it’s awesome!”.  The photos of the community gathering the gym under the scoreboard warms our hearts!

“on behalf of the Macmorran Community Centre, we would like to extend a huge thank you for your generous donation of a scoreboard for our gymnasium. We were not expecting that at all and we are ever so thankful for your generosity. When I read your email out loud to my coworkers this morning in the office, they couldn’t believe it. There were smiles and joyous emotions throughout the office all morning (something that’s well needed during these uncertain times).  We will gratefully accept your donation. Thank you very much”


We are a proud factory representative of Nevco products who has provided facilities with the highest quality scoring and display products in the industry for more than 80 years.

Toll free:  (800) 363-8196
Local:  (705) 325-2351

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